Älter werden im Landkreis Neunkirchen -

gut versorgt in allen Lebensbereichen


> Important phone numbers at Landkreis Neunkirchen (Neunkirchen County)

Phone number of the Police: 110


Phone number of the fire department: 112


Phone number of the emergency service (ambulance): 112


Phone number of medical on-call service (doctors on call – for conditions which are not life-threatening): 116 117

Phone number of the Gesundheitsamt Landkreis Neunkirchen (Health department of Neunkirchen County): 49 68 24 906 88 28 
More information about the health department: 

Phone number of the Kreissozialamt Landkreis Neunkirchen (Social welfare office of Neunkirchen County): 49 68 24 90 60
More information about the social welfare office: